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Tour - Tour


Guided tour

Come on a tour of the Self-Sufficient Village and gain insight into the village's everyday life.
You hear about the village's history, organization, economy and community. We see i.a. a thatched house, communal house, animal husbandry, kitchen gardens and wastewater treatment.
A tour lasts 1.5 - 2 hours.

The last Saturday of the month you can come on a tour of the village for fifty. See to the right of the page when the next tours will take place. There you can also see how to sign up.


Once a month we have guided tours specially designed for children, together with their adults. Depending on what the season offers, we plan a trip around the village that catches the kids. There will always be plenty of time to visit and feed our animals. At present we have pigs, sheep with lambs, cows with calves and lots of chickens.


If you come as a group, you can book a tour especially for you. It can be both weekdays and weekends, costs DKK 800 for up to 20 people.

Book via this email: 
or at Karen on telephone 26 24 15 12.

Date / Time

Date (s) - 29/05/2021
14:00 - 15:30

On the last Saturday of each month there is a tour. We meet in the parking lot and go for a walk around the village. We prefer that you register in advance at the email address Guided tour costs NOK 50 per adult.


The Self-Sufficient Village
Højgårdsvej 27, Hundstrup
5762 Vester Skerninge



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