Available grounds - 3 grounds
Move in
On Højgården's land, we have a local plan for 25 homes and a communal house.
In the autumn of 2018, there are still two vacant building plots in the Self-sufficient Village.
Due to the age distribution among the village's residents, we currently have following intention (but not a rule) in relation to new immigrants for these two reasons: younger couples will be preferred, possibly. with children or plans to have children.
To build on a plot, one must be a member of the cooperative.
See more below for more details on the procedure.

Useful information if you want to move into the Self-Sufficient Village
It may be a good idea to start with to participate in a tour (see under “Events”). If you are considering moving here, write to Kontakt@selvforsyning.dk
Hereafter able to you stay "Bubbles" for a period of 2-6 months where you can visit the village so much You want. There is also the possibility of accommodation. As a guest, you pay a small amount for food - agreed with the contact person.
During the bubble period, you are associated with a contact person or contact family, who makes sure to invite and inform you.
Like bubbles, it is i.a. your responsibility to make sure to meet and talk to everyone in the village so we can get to know each other.
You also get the opportunity to participate in our joint meetings, meals, work and social life, which we recommend that you take advantage of. In addition, you can look at the available plots, and choose the one you most want to build your house on.
As bubbles, you will be sent a more detailed guide for bubblers on economics and law in connection with house building and moving into the village. Then you will have a guidance meeting with the opportunity to elaborate on any questions.
If after a minimum of two months bubble period you want to become a member of the village cooperative and move in, let us know. The request will be taken up at a joint meeting.
As we receive many inquiries and would rather spend our energy on those who are seriously considering moving here, we ask that you pay DKK 400 per person. adult in bubbles fee.
The legal construction of the village is a cooperative, of which you must be a member to live in the village. You rent your land from the cooperative, but you own your own house.

If you want to build and live - construction consulting before moving in
To be able to take over a plot of land in the village, one must first be registered in the cooperative and have had building drawings and situation plan approved for the year-round home, first at a farm meeting and then at the municipality.
In the village we have a "start-build-sponsor-group", which can support you in terms of getting started with your house building. You will be contacted by someone from the sponsor group during the bubble period, who at the end of the period can offer you help with understanding how to approach it with construction drawings for your house, and any requirements for these with a view to approval. at the municipality.
During the construction, the sponsor group will invite you to participate in construction meetings.
During the construction period, it is possible to live temporarily in a shed in the village, which you acquire yourself and after use get rid of.
It is not possible to live in a shed in DSL without a building permit from the municipality. Alternatively, the village can in some cases offer rooms for rent in the common house (Højgården) for a shorter period. You may be lucky that an existing home in the village is for rent (for a maximum of two years) - or you can rent a house / apartment outside the village until the building application is in place and approved.
If the house construction has not started within 1 year, you can apply to the municipality for a renewal of the building permit, it costs approx. 5,000 kr.
If you have lived 1 year after moving into temporary housing in the village without starting your construction, cooperative membership, building plans and housing situation are taken up in consultation with the sponsor group and the farm meeting, which jointly decides what is to happen.
Ie. if you have to move, or a dispensation can be granted for an agreed period for renewed construction start measures.
Price ceiling for the sale of houses
The selling prices of houses in the village do not follow the market prices of the surrounding community.
We have adopted the maximum amount per. square meters and other guidelines when selling houses, which ensures that house prices are kept below a certain level.