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Visit us


Guided tour

Come on a tour of the Self-Sufficient Village and gain insight into the village's everyday life.
You hear about the village's history, organization, economy and community. We see i.a. a thatched house, communal house, animal husbandry, kitchen gardens and wastewater treatment.
A tour lasts 1.5 - 2 hours



Please note, that we are currently not taking in Wwoofers due to COVID19. We's obviously sad and frustrated about this whole situation, but we'm confident that soon it will be all over and we'll be back to normal. Our veggies (and we!) Need wwoofers!


School services

We accept school classes  - also, for example, after-school, high school and folk high school. With us you get an introduction to sustainability and the ecovillage, and we go in depth with one or more topics. It can be food production, circuits, construction, energy, etc.

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