Bæredygtige værdier
Landsbyen er fra starten designet efter permakulturelle principper. Området er dermed tilrettelagt og konstrueret med henblik på at samarbejde med naturen. Se mere på www.permakultur-danmark.dk Vi er fortsat inspireret af permakultur-principperne i forhold til dyrkings-metoder og mht. måden vi holder dyr på. I vores forståelse, handler det om at gøre hvad vi kan, for at drage fordel af de funktioner og kredsløb, som naturen selv har skabt.
Vi bestræber os altså på, at opbygge naturens resurser, samtidig med at vi nyder og bruger af dem. Vi forsøger at skabe kredsløb i de næringsstoffer og resurser, som vi er omgivet af – og give plads til mere af det vilde dyreliv, som pindsvin, sommerfugle og bier, samt de helt små mikroorganismer i jorden.
Sustainable house building
Most people build their own houses or build them as co-buildings, where a company does the most difficult part of the construction, and you finish the house yourself. The houses are often designed according to permacultural principles, which provides a high degree of sustainability. The houses are built as a starting point from local natural materials such as clay, straw and wood and preferably also from recycled materials.
An example of a permacultural design is that you have a greenhouse up the south wall, so that the house can be ventilated with heated air from the greenhouse, thereby saving energy. The design of the house must relate to the environment throughout, ie. Natural resources; water, soil, air and energy.
At the same time, it must of course be practical and comfortable to live in.
Affald- og Spildevands Håndtering
We therefore strive to build up nature's resources, while at the same time enjoying and using them. We try to create circuits in the nutrients and resources that we are surrounded by - and make room for more of the wildlife, such as hedgehogs, butterflies and bees, as well as the very small microorganisms in the soil.
The village has an extensive system of differentiated waste sorting - of materials that can be recycled and materials for incineration, respectively. Wastewater is treated in an arrow treatment plant.